When we first launched Freelance Success, we didn’t think that just three years later we would be launching our own productivity tool – but it happened, and today we have made To-Do Clarity Tool available to everyone!
Table of contents:
- Doing more with less
- Prioritising the right tasks at the right time
- A productivity tool that revolutionises the humble to-do list
- Try the To-Do Clarity productivity tool and help us improve it
- Related articles
Doing more with less
It has never been possible to achieve so much with so little.
It’s now possible to run multiple small businesses on your own, in a way that was scarcely imaginable even a few years ago. This means that we can build endless lists of goals, aspirations and ideas – so much that we can then overwhelm ourselves with the possibilities.
David Allen, of Getting Thing Done fame, sums this dilemma up perfectly:
Almost every project could be done better and infinite constant information is now available that could make that happen.
David Allen
So how do we decide what’s important, and make progress on those things that matter, considering all of this?
Prioritising the right tasks at the right time
Prioritising your workload and the projects that matter to you is vitally important. It’s the difference between working on the actions that will have a major impact, versus spending your time feeling busy but not getting much done.
I struggled with this for years. I’d have a good idea but never get around to implementing it.
This would usually be because other things were more urgent. Or because it just didn’t feel important enough at the time. I ended up with a huge list of tasks that I wanted to achieve but never got around to. Short, but important tasks like improving the load speed of my websites.
These tasks were never urgent enough to get to the top of my list. But the impact they had could be really important if they helped my business to get higher on Google’s search ladder. Equally, tasks that might be that pressing, but which would only take me a few minutes to complete, would also get lost behind much larger tasks that would clog everything up.
At one stage, I was giving all tasks and projects a priority score of Low, Medium, or High. This is common in to-do list apps and productivity systems. But. it didn’t take long to realise that this doesn’t work either. Simply, you never get through the tasks on High priority and down to the ones in Medium and Low. So tasks that could be game changers but which weren’t urgent or weren’t surefire wins got neglected and left.
Creating a productivity tool that revolutionises the humble to-do list
Eventually, after much stressing about this, I decided to take matters into my own hands.
Having taught myself a bit of coding, I started creating a tool that would go into more detail and be more practical. I wanted to create a tool that I could use to prioritise my tasks effectively, with a focus on growth and high-impact rising to the top.
What I eventually came up with, after a lot of tweaking and testing, is what I’m about to share with you now:
To-Do Clarity Tool – my very first productivity tool
By scoring tasks on a series of factors, the tool spits out a simple number from 0-100. That number is the task’s Priority Index. The higher the number, the higher the priority of the task. So when you get Priority Index for all your tasks, you know exactly how your to-do list should look for the day.
Using this method of evaluating your tasks is a great way to prioritise and balance where you focus your energy on getting important tasks done. A task is rewarded if it’s only going to take you 10 minutes to tick it off. A task is punished if it’s not in line with your long-term goals.
Try the To-Do Clarity productivity tool and help us improve it
It’s not a secret that here at Freelance Success, we love good productivity techniques and systems, and we tend to be productivity nerds. After all, there are only two of us behind this big platform, so we have to make sure we are optimising every minute of our time and working on the right projects. So to launch our own productivity tool is a dream come true.
I created it for our own use, and we use it every single day.
It’s constantly improving thanks to the feedback of other freelancers, who are also putting this simple way to prioritise for impact to use in their day-to-day businesses.
I have exciting plans for the tool in the coming months, and I can’t wait to implement them and take the tool to the next level! Until then, prioritise your tasks using the tool, completely for free.
And please, don’t forget to share your feedback with us!
Until next time,
The To-Do Clarity productivity tool – try it today!
Prioritise your tasks, make a to-do list that will help you invest your time in projects that will make the highest impact on your business, and watch your business grow!
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